Can Podcasts Be Your Secret Weapon For Building Community?

By: Tom Miale

In a world saturated with fleeting content, combined with the increased fracturing of the social media landscape, building genuine community is a marketer's holy grail. One of our favorite tools to develop community these days is podcasts. Don't underestimate their charm – podcasts offer a unique blend of intimacy, accessibility, and engagement that can foster a community unlike any other. 

“Did a podcaster write this post???!!!”
Yes. Yes, I did. 

I’ve been producing video and audio content for brands for over 25 years. I started my career in live streaming, and have generated thousands of hours of audio and video over that time.  A decade ago I started producing podcasts for myself and others, and quickly fell in love with the medium. I can confidently say that over that time, I have learned more, met more interesting people, and have made more business connections than at any other time in my career. It amazes me how misunderstood podcasts can be, and how underutilized they are in brand marketing strategies. Podcasts have the ability to cater to niche audiences with specific interests. This creates a built-in community of like-minded individuals that are eager to connect. 

Let's dive into some benefits:

Accessibility: Podcasts are on-demand and portable, fitting seamlessly into busy lives. Listeners can tune in while commuting, exercising, or doing chores, making them highly accessible and convenient. An estimated 41% of Americans listen to podcasts monthly, with an average of 7 podcasts per week (Edison Research, Infinite Dial 2023). This consistent exposure strengthens connections between you and your community.

Intimacy Breeds Connection: Unlike the curated feeds of social media, podcasts offer a glimpse into authentic conversations and personal stories. Listeners feel like they're sitting in on a private chat, forging a deeper connection with the host and guests. This fosters a sense of shared experience and belonging – the bedrock of any strong community. Leverage this pre-existing bond by encouraging discussions through social media, online forums, or even live events. 

Storytelling Sparks Engagement: Humans are wired for stories. Podcasts excel at using narrative to educate, entertain, and inspire. When woven into your community-building efforts, these stories can spark meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives.

The Power of the Voice: Unlike text-based media, podcasts leverage the power of the human voice. This creates a more personal and emotional connection, fostering trust and empathy within the community. Imagine the difference between reading a blog post and hearing the author's passion in their voice – that's the podcast advantage. Online communities built around podcasts report higher engagement and retention compared to those based on other media

Become a Subject Matter Authority: While "expert" isn't a title you automatically gain with a microphone, hosting a podcast on a specific topic can put you on a path to becoming a recognized authority in that field. By consistently immersing yourself in the subject, engaging with experts, and sharing your knowledge, you'll establish yourself as a valuable resource and a trusted voice.

Expand Your Reach: Podcasts can also be a goldmine for expanding your professional network. Every guest you host is a potential connection, and each conversation an opportunity to learn, share, and forge valuable relationships. By approaching podcast interviews with a networking mindset, you can transform them from mere content creation into powerful tools for building meaningful connections.

Building a community takes time and dedication, but by leveraging the unique strengths of podcasts, you can create a vibrant and engaged group of individuals who share your passion and support your brand. With proper attention and commitment, they can be  a powerful secret weapon in your marketing strategy